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ⓘ The Age of Data

Do you agree that teaching children by giving them an activity like games is effective?

It is very effective because children by nature likes to play games. It is like an ice breaker. You can make the children who are shy to be active through games.
Most precisely! Games are a fun way to memorize something and also very entertaining. Let's be honest, people learn stuff when either they want to or when it happens to be fun.
I believe providing games to children as part of their learning is very effective. Nowadays, aside from enhancing a child's IQ, more institutions and groups are also looking into developing their EQ. A child's EQ is also develop in partaking into games as his or her social involvement and sports attitude is trained. There are also multiple intelligence that can be trained and developed in conducting games such as bodily kinesthetic intelligence (if the games involves physical activities), musical, logical or mathematical etc.
For some students this technique is very effective because they enjoy playing games and at the same time they learn something. But for some students they prefer to have lecture or discussion inside the classroom because they don't want be sweating while in school and they like more often to read books. But I think majority will agree that learning by giving some activity is really effective.
Children learn effectively through play because in playing games children are using their whole brain. In playing games they need to learn the rules, so it means listening, reading and memory retention are activated. They will also learn to communicate with their teams, count their scores and tally them against their opponent. They will also understand sportsmanship, hard work, dedication, teamwork, and respect. The best of all, learning should be fun.
Children learn by doing something. So, I also believe that teaching with activities and games that are aligned to the lesson is very effective.
Games are definitely effective in teaching, especially with young learners. Through games children gain social skills and develop their cognitive abilities. It is a way to approach learning through fun using creativity and imagination. It is very important for children to have positive attitude towards learning, and to enjoy it. Games can help them relate examples from the course with the examples from real life and that is very good for their comprehension. Creative teacher can use games, dance, dramatization, quizzes, projects to interest their students in the syllabus.
Learning can be done in so many ways and so is teaching. Game activities stimulate the brain which keep your students motivated and engaged. It has become a trend for teachers to start their classes with an ice breaker. This grabs their attention and ensures that your students remain focused on the lessons and topics. Game-based learning can be a powerful tool for students to learn things outside the curriculum. Students can also develop certain abilities such as attention to detail, critical thinking, problem solving and hone their interpersonal skills. Teachers can also measure effectiveness of these activities by getting real-time feedback from the students. So yes, you can facilitate games in class and tailor fit these to the topics you will be having moving forth. Goodluck!
Somehow, For that reason they enjoy their school life, they will be motivated to go to school because of a little game. they can play with each other.
Yes as long as the game that would be played on actual or video game is educational. There are many games that could be played that can be effective in the learning of children like for example bingo with the subject math, computer games by computer programming and many more.
A teacher can introduce a topic or include game/s to get the students' attention . But the game should be well - thought and related to the lesson's objectives. The game should not allot too much of the time and affect the time allotted for discussing or processing the lesson . Students can learn and have fun at the same time.
Yes it is effective especially to those young learners because it is another way to catch the learners attention and I can that it is very effective too base on my experience.
I believe so. Children love to play at their prime and using this as a learning tool could really work. The game would engage the children and get their attention which in fact at their age is very hard to get because anything around them could easily get their attention and they could not focus. Games could greatly help them focus and remember lessons very well.
Yes i do, it's so effective , it keeps them focused plud it will help them remember the information later since it's something they enjoyed, not to mention that they will be happier and more open to the idea of learning !
We were always told by our teacher before that there are no boring subjects, only boring teachers. It's so harsh, but I think it's true. Thus, we were always told that activities play a vital role in getting the students into the lesson.
I believe that letting the students enjoy their learning through games is a wonderful and effective strategy. It will instill positive impact in the lives of the students. They will realize that learning is fun and enjoyable.
if you want a child to bring out his/her own self it is better to at first let them play so that they will be comfortable at each other.
"Play is the work of a child", in the words of Jean Piaget, the greatest developmental psychologist of our times. In the natural a child learns all of the necessary skills he/she needs through play. A famous study by the University of North Carolina's Abecedarian Early Child Intervention Program in 1972 found that preschoolers who were randomly assigned to a play enriched preschool program had significantly higher IQ's . these children were ahead of their peers even 30 years later.
It is true that if you want to teach a child something teach it through play.
Games are easy to memorise. Using it to teach will enhance learning. Games are also enjoyable and easy to perform.