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No junk food and soda in school canteen

I am in favor of the ban. School should create healthy environment which supports accepting healthy choices in nutrition. Eating habits cannot be changed over night and schools should systematically restrict sales of junk food and increase the offer of healthy food. The changes will not be accepted instantly, that is for sure, but it would be a great starting point. It would be a long process but worthwhile. School should not run away from responsibility to promote healthier life style.
I agree with you, Sneska. They might not like it at first but they will become accustomed to it in time. Schools should help get these students ready for life after school. Just like parents should prepare students for school.
I am in favor of the ban. School should create healthy environment which supports accepting healthy choices in nutrition. Eating habits cannot be changed over night and schools should systematically restrict sales of junk food and increase the offer of healthy food. The changes will not be accepted instantly, that is for sure, but it would be a great starting point. It would be a long process but worthwhile. School should not run away from responsibility to promote healthier life style.

I understand what you mean by the starting point and that the students will get used to drinking water instead of soda. But the point in this issue is the freedom of choice and not really the health reasons. I guess all parents would agree to the ban for health reasons but the freedom of choice will always be in question. Maybe there should be a sort of compromise so that the parents and the school will not be at odds. What about banning soda and junk food 3 times a week only?
Yes i totally agree with it. Students at the young age should be taught to eat the right and nutritious food as possible. They should take in more nutrients and vitamins that they need while they are still young so that it can aid in their proper growth and development. It could also be a great help for their school performances as well.
It is really a good idea to support the ban of junk foods and soda because we are talking here the safety and welfare of our children which is one it the possible victims for these unawanted food and drinks.
Definitely. Students should be more focused on their health as it will reflect on their academic performance. A healthy kid is a kid that can learn more. Also it will teach students what foods they should be eating and what to avoid. Also this way, the students can get used to eating healthy and thus will grow with this good habit as they exit the school where they came from. However in order to successfully implement this, school administration should monitor the prices of the foods the canteen is selling as this is one of the reason why students are buying junk foods, because it is cheaper.
I think a little bit of junk food or soda is deserved by the students but not too much just moderate i know it is not healthy but school canteen or cafeteria never sells them so they are more likely tempted to buy outside and consume more of it.
I think banning junk food and sodas in school canteens would be good for the students' health. Of course, this would not be easily accepted by the students because most children would want to eat this kind of food. Nevertheless, even if the opinion is not popular, I believe this should be implemented. Even though the students would hate it now, they would experience the benefits in the long run. Any way, if they really do want to eat junk food, they could just buy outside. This does not take away the freedom of students to eat anything they want. The school just did their part in taking care of the students' health.
I understand what you mean by the starting point and that the students will get used to drinking water instead of soda. But the point in this issue is the freedom of choice and not really the health reasons. I guess all parents would agree to the ban for health reasons but the freedom of choice will always be in question. Maybe there should be a sort of compromise so that the parents and the school will not be at odds. What about banning soda and junk food 3 times a week only?
I think even one day a week ban would be great to start with. The idea of introducing only healthy food with no other options is unsustainable.
Students require a healthy diet , a healthy diet is a balanced diet and a balanced diet helps students to be at full capacity to learn. With at a portion of the food consisting nutrients from all Major food groups.
A balanced diet compared to junk food is highly nutritious , it helps a student to maintain a healthy status , grow well and help the body to function well.
Junk food is not healthy , it intake Should not be encouraged as it can lead to sickness , improper growth of a student , body disorders and much more.
It is always a best practice to avoid junk food in the school most specially World Health Organization is partnering with the Worldwide School Organization to deregulate on junk food consumption.
Practice of avoiding it always starts at home. Parent has the main task to avoid into to their kids by practicing mindful eating, plan meal and etc.
I think that we have the freedom to eat anything we want to eat. It is up to the students if they buy and eat junk foods. It is good if parents give healthy foods for their recess time.
It does not help to have such strict rules on what students can eat at a school canteen. Instead of having so many restrictions, how about encouraging students to eat a balanced diet? Keeping junk foods away will just whet their appetite for those snacks.
It is a good thing if they ban junk foods and sodas at school. Our children should eat nutritious food and not junks. Sometimes, it is their way to generate income even if it is not beneficial.
it is a good idea but that doesn't make a different as student will by it once he get out of school . so it is better to explain to them why to avoid this junk food and soda to be conscious about what they are doing
If you really love your children and care about them, you will support this kind of campaign. I love those who have the guts and will to implement the right thing no matter what the consequences are.
If you really love your children and care about them, you will support this kind of campaign. I love those who have the guts and will to implement the right thing no matter what the consequences are.
Indeed. Some people of authority should step up and do what is right regardless of what seems to be an unpopular choice. Even more so if the health of children is at stake.
it is a good idea but that doesn't make a different as student will by it once he get out of school . so it is better to explain to them why to avoid this junk food and soda to be conscious about what they are doing
Or on the weekends the children could binge-eat all the bad stuff that's being kept away from them. Education is the most important part of the process.
I always think that it's a good idea. Though we cannot fully monitor the children outside the school. It's still a better way to lessen the risk of health problems caused by junkfoods.
I think schools should have healthier canteen options for children. I am extreme in my opinion in that I think schools should only offer healthy food options. I think an important point to make is if there are healthy options and unhealthy options in the same school, a child is going to choose the unhealthy option. There are many healthy snacks available today. A healthier diet is better for the child and in most cases can help a student have better concentration and probably even perform better academically. I think only offering healthy options in school is better for the children, the parents, the school and society.
There's an "obesity epidemic" and people want to just hand kids junk food right in front of their faces?! Kids hardly get enough exercise these days, so how are they to burn off this excess junk? School is a place to be taught, meaning they should also be taught what healthy is. Children should be being sold vegetables, fruit, diary and meat & alternative foods... Things that are all natural! Chances are, they have some sort of junk food at home, whether it be chips, chocolate or gummy... So they can eat that at home, and stay healthy at school at least. Children's brain also need to function properly while at school; SO FEED THEM PROPERLY. Not with super sugary, salty and fatty treats.
Schools must implement proper and healthy foods for students. They must be guided well on this matter.

Having a healthy lifestyle on students will basically help them to be more active and energetic in school activities. Securing the health of the future generations is securing a very bright future. So schools must offer healthy foods in their canteens.