Welcome to Atomic Academia

ⓘ The Age of Data

Hey there folks!


Legacy Member
Apr 20, 2011
Well, I was shown this site in a message on Forum-Promotion, and figured it would be nice to take a look.

So, If I may, a bit about me:
Age: Let's leave it a mystery.
Birthday: January Fifth
Location: Hinesville, Ga; United States.
Interests: Basketball, Skateboarding, Poetry, Drums, Graphic Design.
Best testing subject: Math
Favorite subject: English
Classes I hope to take in the near future: Basic Psychology, Writers Shop, Religious Psychology
(Lucky me, they're all local.)
Feel free to ask questions. I hope to enjoy the forums!
Welcome, Sauke2020, to Carpe Diem.IM. Nice to have you with us.

It is unusual to meet folks who are adept in both English and mathematics. You must be well-rounded. :)
Hey guys, thanks for the warm welcome! The forum looks really great.

@Janus: haha, I'd like to think so. I guess we'll let the exam scores speak for themselves once I get them back!
A pleasure to have you aboard, Sauke2020! Since you enjoy religious psychology, I must ask for curiosity's sake, what is your opinion of God?
Hello, Mohlzahn, and thank you.

Here is a re-post of mine, which best sums up my opinions of god and or religion.

God/Religion: (Please note that when I was originally discussing this on a mainly-christian forum)

Religion is merely a way for humans to rationalize the things they either can't explain/justify as natural occurrences in life. I am an agnostic being raised in an extremely harsh catholic family. I'm lucky enough to have one rational parent, otherwise I would probably be shipped off to some private school where we do nothing but pray. Now, to put this as simply as possible, Christianity wants me to believe that an invisible alien magically injected his seed into a human, and when that human-alien hybrid died, he washed away all of our "sins" with his blood, but then was revived and sent back to his home planet, or "Heaven" To live with his father once again. And because of this, if we don't repent and wash the sins from our soul, when we die we will burn in a pit of eternal fire...When we're already dead.. And if we are cleansed of our sins when we die, our dead bodies are abducted, and somehow our dis-embodied soul is supposed to live there in bliss with other "holy" people.

That's just one example of main-stream religion (which is really just a hypothesis from my point of view), having so many variables it can't support it's self.
Not really working for me. Any of you?

Does god exist? In my eyes, it's not really possible. There are many more plausible theories/hypothesize(sp?).

Should 'god' effect our lives as much as it did? Again, to me, no. Individually, sure. But when you bring people together who feel strongly about their ways of thinking, it ends in violence, and hatred. Every time.

I have nothing against religion, if you are religious, happy, and not hurting anyone, have fun. It's really none of my business.

Non-Religious God belief:
The creation *Cough* Ignorance *Cough* of religion is what began creating "God Theories" Therefor, to claim to believe in some sort of non-specific deity or higher power beyond which it's existence cannot be proven is nothing short of a fleeting attempt at approval from their society. Trust me, I've been there.

Some of you may dis-agree, and I'm sorry if this offends you, but it's just the way I see the world.

Also, my apologies on the long post.
Not at all, I enjoy long posts with an in-depth nature. :)

I come from the belief that you should embrace what your nature tells you. And if your deepest inner conviction tells you to reject religion and the God concept altogether, I respect that and welcome your differences (I, myself, have a complicated position on the matter but you'll more of that in the philosophy section :p).

Strong opinions always make for an interesting forum, and I hope to see more of your fire in later conversations!