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ⓘ The Age of Data

The Last Poster Wins

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And neither does Janus, I suppose.
I do not get it though, At one point or another in this thread, each member has the last post, so everyone who posts in this thread, is a winner.
so atm I am winning but soon enough I will not be :D sounds brilliant I think we found a never ending game :D
I think I won the game already ;D. IF YOU REPLY YOU WILL GET SHOT IN THE HEAD! lol jk :D. I WIN!
Nope I think the first place goes to me, myself and I! LOL
Sorry but I'm the winner, guys! :p
What an interesting contest, everyone who posts is a winner, at least til the next winner. Who could ask for a better contest, every participant is a winner. So much better than a bunch of losers, I'd say!! I win! ;o)~
And now it's my turn to say I'm the winner, hahaha

Interesting thing would be to know if someone will definitely win... No, we better not because we can tempt a moderator closing the thread to be the last one posting here :))
No no no, I wanna win! Ok, now I sound like a spoiled brat! ;o)~ I will relent & share the winners circle, just like all the rest!
My true purpose is to say to MyDigitalpoint "I LOVE your avatar pic!" I like anything sparkly & colorful, it's the hippy in me! :))
Ultimately, the irony is that we are all losers as someone always takes our place in the end.

(Unless you're a site engineer with the power to close threads! Ha ha, I win)

Click here for Round Two.
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