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All Ages Religion subjects - were they easy or hard?


Legacy Member
Dec 13, 2012
During my time in college, I had 4 religion subjects and I found all of them to be very easy. Why did I find them to be easy? Because I was very interested in religion. It was like studying history. Only better. History was boring but religion was not. It helped me understand a little bit about faith and the origin of Catholicism, and the importance of religion in our society.

Did you find religion subjects easy or hard?
I found religion an easy enough subject, but do struggle with chronology. It is something I still try to get in my mind when learning subjects related to history; and I feel religion is a subject related to history.
Religious education is not an easy subject because there are things that are hard to understand because God Himself is mysterious and so is His Word. Despite it's difficulty, the students in our school still push through with this subject because they feel the need of their soul to learn more about our Father. Patience is the key in learning religious education, as well as understanding beyond logic.
I had one religious subject at school, and it was very easy. I disliked other subjects more, in particular some modern "gender equality" bollox lessons and lections about condoms. Godless innovations by the education system. Marry once and you won't need condom lessons.
The religion subject is easy for me. It is because I am interested with it. I love our religion subject very much.
My favorite subject is religion. It is very easy to learn this subject. I have had good grades on this subject.
When you are in love with a subject. It will just be like chicken feed for you. It is very easy fro me to pass this subject.
I really appreciate my religion subject. It has opened up my eyes on spiritual things that really matters most in life.
Jesus is the way to the Father in heaven. Religion will point us to Him. Joining a religion will not save us. It is through our relationship with God that we are saved.
My favourite subject was Christian Religious Education. It was easy to learn and I got good grades.I refererd to it as 'booster' because it boosted my ganeral grade.
Religion subject is fun. You learn a lot not only about your own religion but also other religions around the world. Religion subject gives you better understanding on the ideas and teachings of every religion around the world. It also gives you knowledge on the origins and how this religions are related to one another. And most importantly religion subject even strengthen our relationship to God.
Religion subject is not that hard at all. for me, I get to understand my religion as well as to others. I am being aware of their beliefs and culture and on how to respect other religion.
It was to be easy if you took it seriously. It is a subject that made people to be with God, know his words and must be apply in our daily lives.
Religion subjects were easy for me, because I was raised in an environment inspired by many aspects and dogmas of religion. It's a very important and fun subject, to be honest. Way easier than math.
The subject of religion is a good subject to be taken up. It will make you learn spiritual things.