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All Ages Did religious education change your outlook on life?


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Feb 5, 2014
I took religious education as an elective during my sophomore year in high school. At first, I was a bit hesitant because I thought the curriculum looked like a drag. But I found myself quite engaged in my classes. I learnt about religions I barely knew like Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. It was interesting to see the different aspects. It made me realise that all religion, at the end of the day had the same ambitions, which is to live life morally, treating others with respect and love. Did RE have any effect on you?
Not really. I have always respected the right of religion for people. I will say that when i took religion classes, there was always a high level of interest there. I took a Social Justice class in my Junior year in high school and i learned a lot about society. It was an eye-opening experience.
Yes indeed! I am really thankful for a certain event that lead me to learn more about different religions around two years ago! I agree that any religion is good as long as it encourages and promotes positive energies and knowledge such as love, faith, optimistic, and hope.
Religious Education in school ctually didn't change my outlook in life. I changed my own outlook in life by trying to find religion by myself, not by lessons or by any kind of religion teacher.

I was able to decide what I want to believe in. Religion is quite important to me, but I can honestly say that I'm not so religious. I have my beliefs, but I don't always follow religion. I just try to live life following my own person journey without harming other peoples' lives.
I never gotten the chance to take religious classes in high school,
but I will say that I encourage anyone to get in touch with religion.
It is a great way for young people to get the true meaning and morality about religion.
That is also the way to know, what it will be futuristically.
I studied in a Catholic school so the religion subjects that we were required to have (4 subjects in total) all centered around Christianity and Catholicism. It changed my outlook on religion and Christianity and Catholicism. My whole life, I was taught the traditional beliefs and old teachings about Christianity. When I arrived at college, they taught a very modern version of Christianity and Catholicism which allowed me to appreciate my religion even more.
Wеll, I hаd а саthоliс еduсаtiоn. I'm аn аthеist асtuаlly, but I wаs tаught аbоut jеsus frоm my сhildhооd. I wаs 5 аnd I wаs thе Jеsus' numbеr оnе fаn, I swеаr.
Until nоw, I think hе's аwеsоmе, yеt, а bit аrrоgаnt аnd mаy bе nаivе, аnd sеlf-dеstruсtivе, but аwеsоmе. Hе wаs rеаlly wisе, but thе rеst оf rеligiоn fоr mе it's just shit. I wаs nаivе whеn I wаs саthоliс, аnd I think bесаusе оf rеligiоn I wаs nаivе. I wаs likе а littlе bird until my 14 yеаrs оld mоrе оr lеss, sо whаt I think rеligiоn mаkеs yоu it's а nаivе pеrsоn, а bit сlоsе-mindеd, prоbаbly. But I think bеing а bеliеvеr wаs prесisеly whаt hеlpеd mе tо bе аn аthеist, bесаusе if I wаsn't а rеligiоus pеrsоn bасk in thаt аgе, I wоuldn't bе sо соnsсiоus аnd оpеn-mindеd right nоw, sо blеss thе саthоliс еduсаtiоn, nоw аnyоnе саn fооl mе аrоund
It hеlps sоmе pеоplе bеttеr if thеy hаvеn't figurеd оut hоw tо just bе niсе pеоplе оn thеir оwn. Prоbаbly thе biggеst thing thаt hаppеns thе mоst оftеn is thаt mаny pеоplе bесоmе hypосrits. Whеn thеy еithеr dо nоt rеаlly bеliеvе thе tеnеts оf thеir rеligiоn оr fаil tо livе up tо thеm аnd аttеmp tо fаkе it tо sаvе fасе thеy bесоmе hypосrits.
Actually, guys, You got it all wrong. Religion is not an education. Religion means to worship. to pray or acknowledge your God. It's not a belief system. It is about faith. Religion is the most important thing in life because it is attached to your reason and purpose of existence. And without knowing its purpose and reason, you will be lost and living a useless, pointless life. Your life ends when you're six feet under the ground, but your spirit doesn't.
The thing is, that seldom people know about, is that real life begins after death, and that's the scary fact that a lot of people are petrified to talk about. It's much easier I think for some people to accept that when your dead, you're gone and it is what it is. Have you ever wondered where we got this idea that creating a manual for every gadget or stuff is essential? Have you ever wondered how we got these ideas for setting standards for measuring length, width, height, density and those kinds of things? Do humans have a manual? Do we have standards and where do we get it? Do you know what I'm talking about?
In a bit yes. I learned some history about my religion and ways how to become a much better human being. Well, it's not that much compared now that I'm more knowledgeable and I have my own ways to dig and research to learn something about each and every religion. The bottom line is it helps me become a better person. But for me, it does not justify what religion you belong to or what you believe in, it still a decision for each and everyone to be a better person.
Yes. Religious education changed my outlook in life. I had a religious education subject last year and since then I am constantly seeking more information pertaining to the mysteries of God and His Word. Hopefully this will continue and I will become an individual who is God-fearing and knows how to follow His commandments.
Religion changed me. It gave me interest in looking into my spiritual state or condition. I am so glad that religion has impacted my life.
Religion subject somewhat has an impact in our lives because if the student really listened to the speaker he will know how god loves everyone of us, and we should also love one another.
I am very much thankful for religious educators. They have done a great job in their teaching to me.
It did.The lessons, the singing and prayer had a positive impact on my life.I believed in God and checked my behaviour.This helped me keep focussed and disciplined.The bible was my code of conduct and life at school was nice because I was armed with patience and worked hard as religionfrowned upon laziness.
Yes, religious education has helped change my outlook in life. It made me know God more particular Jesus life and teachings since I was enrolled in Catholic school when I was in my elementary years. I am brought up as a Roman Catholic and school has taught me so much regarding its beliefs, customs and duties as a Christian. It has taught me the importance of doing what is right and how to live morally upright life by obeying the teachings of the God.
There are so many religions in the world. It is relationship with Jesus Christ that is very important.